Veins and energy
Every thing and event has a certain articulation and a certain power
of existing. Let us call them their veins and energy. On the one hand
everything has veins, is articulated. For example, the desk in
front of which I am sitting, has a flat top plate, two side plates,
some drawers. Each of them is further articulated, they are composed
of fibers of wood, which in turn are composed of certain molecules,
etc. up until the elementary particles. These articulations have also
a certain cohesion: drawers fit into slots in the desk and the desk
itself can be moved in one piece; for instance, if I want to have a
better access to the window, I can drag away the desk that presently
is situated in front of the window against the wall. Indeed, it is
articulated also in its external relations: it is against the wall,
next to a cupboard and a book-shelf, It is part of the articulation
of my room. And my room, of course, is part of the articulation of my
house, which is again part of the articulation of the city, country,
continent, Earth, Solar System, Milky Way, Universe. So, my desk can
be understood, on the one hand, on the background or horizon of its
internal articulations (up until elementary particles) and on the
background or horizon of its external articulations (up until the
whole Universe).
Furthermore, the desk is also articulated in my interactions with it,
it affords certain actions in relation to it. For example, I can
write on it. I can put things on top of it or into the drawer or even
tug away under it. I can lean upon it or even stand on it (my desk is
strong enough). Perhaps if I had a stove and If I was very cold, I
could take it to pieces and burn it, to warm myself. And certainly it
can be put into a huge variety of other uses (but not just any use: I
cannot drink it, I cannot ride it to the outer space, etc.). In those
interactions the desk manifests its capacities to affect and be
affected. On the one hand it affects other things: exerts a certain
pressure on the floor, holds a computer, a cup, some books on it,
other things in its drawers, its corner affects me with pain when I
accidentally bump into it, etc. And it can be affected in several
ways: be put things upon, be written upon, be put things into, be
bumped into, be burnt, be stood upon etc. As its capacities are
manifested in relation to other things, they are always
bidirectional, it affects and is affected at the same time, and the
things it interacts with are also at the same time affecting it and
affected by it.
On the other hand, everything has a certain energy, a certain
power of existing. The same desk persists through time. I do not
perceive any activity on its part, but I know that the atoms, the
interactions of which hold it together, are full of activity:
electrons move around the nuclei and between them, they exchange
virtual photons with the nuclei, protons and neutrons in the nuclei
wobble, quarks in the protons and neutrons incessantly move, so that
the bulk of the mass of a proton is formed by the energy of the
quarks, not their mass, the quarks exchange virtual gluons that bind
them together, etc. Behind the seeming still life of a desk there is
an incredible amount of activities of
different kinds, that are expressed in my life-world by the desk that
Also, the way the desk affects other things and is affected by them,
is expressed in actions and involves energy. And my interactions with
the desk involve actions and energy, both actual and virtual. I write
on it, I put a cup on it, I lean on it, stand on it, bump into it. In
all those cases the desk is part of certain activities, and with its
own doing and persisting (e.g. maintaining a stable flat surface)
enables them (and perhaps frustrates them, when it becomes rotten and
does not hold together any more, but breaks down). Those actions and
activities need not be always actualized, but from my familiarity
with desks I already know their affordances and by a simple look can
gauge its probable behavior, certain characteristics (expected
sturdiness or flimsiness of its structure, smoothness or ruggedness
of its surface, etc.). Those expectations may not be always correct,
but most often they are, and I can be
towards the desk in a virtual, implicit, enfolded way; in the
presence of the desk my field of actions comprises already certain
things I can do with the desk, it participates in my power of
This description can be applied to all levels of complexity. For
instance, an atom has certain articulations, veins: a nucleus (which
has further articulations) and a certain number of electrons that are
distributed on different layers and orbitals. And this determines the
veins or structure of its interactions with other atoms: with what
kind of atoms does it interact, and how (usually not combining with
inert gases; combining with another atom that has a complementary
situation of valence electrons, prone to donate them if the atom
lacks electrons to complete a shell, or accept them if the atom could
complete a shell by giving away electrons; forming chemical or ionic
bonds, depending on the respective electronegativities; or forming
other types bonds, depending on other factors; how fiercely or slowly
it interacts, etc.).
Also, an atom of course has a certain energy or impetus, both inside
the nucleus (strong force) and between the nucleus and the electrons
(electromagnetic force). By this energy it keeps on existing and also
is able to interact with other things, to influence them and be
influenced by them, to affect and be affected.
This is not exactly the same as the distinction between fermions and
bosons we discussed above, under the section “Cut”, the first
giving the basis for juxtaposition and the second for interaction.
The concepts of veins and energy applies to both of them: both
fermions and bosons are articulated in a certain way, i.e. have
certain characteristics (spin, mass, etc.) that make them distinct
from one another. And both have a certain energy (though not all of
them have rest mass) by which they exist, and affect and are
Constraint and work
These two notions of veins and energy can be brought together with
Terrence Deacon’s concepts of constraints and work, and made more
specific through this connection.
Constraint is what constrains, limits a system in a certain
way. This is fundamental to all individuation: all entities and
systems that can be detected, have a characteristic behavior, or
behave in some ways, not in all ways. If an entity or a system
behaved in a completely unrestrained manner and was not constrained
or channeled in any way, we would be utterly unable to detect it, to
distinguish it from something else.
For Deacon, there are two important aspects to the constraints. First
is the positive role of negativity in constraints: constraints
bar an entity or a system from certain behaviors or characteristics,
and by this very exclusion or limitation the system is individuated,
i.e. it plays an essential and positive role in individuation.
Considering the chemical elements and molecules in a cell, only a
fraction of possible chemical reactions take place in any time and
place or it; if they would all happen, life would be a mess, life
would not be possible. Chemical reactions in a cell have to be
constrained, ordered in highly specific ways, both spatially and
sequentially. An entity or system comes into being, distinguishes
itself by suppressing, eliminating certain behaviors, by being
constrained or channeled into certain other behaviors.
Second important aspect of a constraint is that it is not material.
By investigating an entity or a system you can detect its tendencies,
its attractors, its exclusions, but you cannot touch them. You cannot
put an attractor under a microscope, although you can investigate the
attractors of a system in a scientifically rigorous way. The
attractors are embodied in the physical system, yet not as material
components, but formal constraints. This aspect is important
in order to avoid materialistic reductionism. Formal constraints,
formal structure can have their own efficacy. In describing a system,
it may not be so important to account for all of its material
components, their relations and placements, but rather the structural
singularities of the system as a whole. For instance, the
singularities of H2O around freezing and boiling points, or the
singularities of different types of water flow, that we mentioned
above, in the “Cut”. And certain differences in initial
conditions may not be important, if they all belong to the basin of
the same attractor, and vice versa, certain infinitely small
differences may in some systems lead to very different attractors.
For example, when you heat a water recipient from below, then at a certain point the so-called convection cells are formed, big clockwise or counter-clockwise flows of water, and one of these cells will catch a large amount of water molecules, whose behavior is determined rather by the fact of belonging to the basin of attraction than to its precise coordinates in the recipient. On the other hand, microscopic disturbances in the formative stage of a snowflake give macroscopically different snowflakes.
For example, when you heat a water recipient from below, then at a certain point the so-called convection cells are formed, big clockwise or counter-clockwise flows of water, and one of these cells will catch a large amount of water molecules, whose behavior is determined rather by the fact of belonging to the basin of attraction than to its precise coordinates in the recipient. On the other hand, microscopic disturbances in the formative stage of a snowflake give macroscopically different snowflakes.
Deacon's second fundamental concept is work. In order to account for
different levels of complexity, Deacon distinguishes between work and
energy in general. All systems contain certain energy (which
remains globally constant), but work cannot be extracted from
all systems. All energy has certain constraints, but additional
constraints may be necessary for some work to be extracted (and new
kinds of entities, more complex structures to be built). For
instance, in a gas in thermal equilibrium there are spontaneous
movements of gas molecules, each of whose behavior is constrained in
its internal characteristics and also by external interactions with
other molecules, but no work can be extracted from it, unless some
macroscopic constraint is imposed, some asymmetry in concentration of
molecules, temperature gradient, etc. Only then some global work is
Deacon distinguishes between “orthograde” processes that
go on spontaneously without external intervention, and “contragrade”
processes, that result from some external intervention. In the
example above, each molecule’s movement is orthograde, and its
interactions with other molecules (or container’s walls) produces
contragrade change, by which the previous movement changes. Ortho-
and contragrade depend on the chosen level of observation. For
example, if
a proton travels through the space in a linear and uniform way, then
we can say that at the level of the proton no work is done, no
difference is made. But a proton consists of three1
distinct quarks, and from their viewpoint, work is done, because
three orthograde processes (those of the quarks) are bound together,
they constrain each other and produce another level of complexity,
that of a proton.
if we move to a yet simpler level, e.g. to a photon that travels
through the space in a linear and uniform way? In that case (if we do
not posit strings or other more elementary phenomena, which would
simply transpose the discussion one step) we should say, that the
same two aspects apply to it. On the one hand, work is done for the
photon to exist. But in this case it is not a conjunction of several
processes (as quarks in a proton), but a conjunction of the process
in relation to itself. As discussed above, in the section “Cut”,
a photon occupies a certain stretch of time-space, it has a certain
duration and extension, albeit a minimal one. But it is by this very
duration and extension, by this (very small) contraction of
space-time, by this work, that it exists. At the same time, from the
viewpoint of its possible interactions with other entities, it does
not do work (if it travels in a linear and uniform fashion). So here
it is of the same level of complexity, that we say – from different
viewpoints – that it does work and that it does not.
What is considered as orthograde and what as contragrade, may depend
on level and context, but the important thing is that the encounter
of two or more orthograde processes may produce a contragrade process
that may belong to a higher level of complexity. Deacon discusses
at length two such leaps in complexity: from thermodynamic to
morphodynamic and from morphodynamic to teleodynamic systems.
Thermodynamic processes are ordinary physical processes that
follow the second law of thermodynamics and the necessary rise of
disorder in a system. Morphodynamic systems are produced when
thermodynamic processes so constrain each other that they produce
orderly forms (albeit at the expense of a rise in disorder in a
larger system). For instance, when H2O molecules are constrained
around the forming snowflake, so that an orderly hexagonal structure
is formed. Or when huge amounts of hydrogen atoms are compressed by
gravity, so that nuclear fusion reactions start, and a star is formed.
Teleodynamic systems start from autocatalytic sets (discussed
by Stuart Kauffman, and developed by Deacon), when some of the
products of a chemical chain of reactions are used as ingredients for
the initial reaction (Deacon also shows how the inner metabolism and
capside formation for outward protection can evolve, mutually
reinforcing each other). In this system there evolves a normativity
about how things should be and how they should not be, which is the basis of
the nutrient seeking and damage avoiding behavior of living beings.
All those leaps in complexity are obtained by the organization of
lower-level orthograde processes, creation of new constraints: the
hexagonal structure of a snowflake, the structure of a star, or the
goal-oriented requirements of living organisms. Although all
processes lead to the rise of disorder, from their difference,
from their encounter a
local rise in order can be established, in the presence of suitable
conditions and energy inflow.
To sum up, Deacon's notions of work and constraints are useful to
describe the complexification and clarify the role of energy and
veins. Deacon shows how from the conjunction of different orthograde
processes a contragrade process may result, so that from a general
growth of disorder a local order can be built. Some of these new
orders may represent a new level of complexity (like morphodynamic in
relation to thermodynamic or teleodynamic in relation to
morphodynamic), a new kind of constraints or veins. And in the
framework of these new constraints, new kind of work can be done
(e.g. teleodynamic requirements may be superimposed on simple
chemical reactions that in themselves are not goal-oriented). In case
of the constraints or veins, Deacon shows how they are efficacious as
formal causes, and how they distinguish an entity from what it is not
(and thereby also connects to it).
Levels of interpenetration
The veins or articulations are situated on different levels of
interpenetration and the energy is respectively engaged on different
levels. Let us take two examples: embryogenesis and creative
writing. If we consider the development of a seed
or an animal embryo, then we can observe the emergence of new
articulations, new distinctions: a single cell is divided into two,
two into four, four into eight cells, etc.
We see how an animal embryo forms a morula, then hollow-centered
blastula, then invaginates and forms a gastrula, and how organs
become differentiated. There are divisions, cleavages, invaginations,
cell migrations, etc. As those distinctions arise from earlier states
where they were not detectable, we must infer that the potential to
create the new actual situation with more differentiated
articulations must have been in the previous phase, yet not in an
actualized juxtaposed state, but in an intensive interpenetrating
one. We know that there is no ready-made “homunculus” in a human
fertilized oocyte that would simply grow in extension. The earlier
phases of the embryogenesis do not resemble the later phases, but
there is a creative unfolding of former more interpenetrating
articulations into later more juxtaposed ones. That gives the
embryogenesis also a certain plasticity. Especially in the early
stages of development, it can overcome some drastic interventions. As
Hans Driesch in his classic experiments demonstrated already a
hundred years ago, it is possible to cut the embryos of the embryos
of sea urchins in their 8-cell phase into half, rotate one of the
halves 90 degrees, tie them together, and still have a normal
development of the embryo (but only if the cut is made perpendicular
to the animal-vegetal axis).
It is also possible to cut a sea urchin’s embryo in 2-cell phase
into two, and have two separate normal embryos, or tie together two
different embryos in 1-cell phase, and have one normal embryo. This
means that the sea urchin’s embryo is able to normalize itself even
after those very radical interventions. This means also that the
genes do not behave as a kind of rigid rule or “digital
homunculus”, that would mechanically produce a certain
embryogenesis, but they behave rather as notes for a lecturer to
remind her of the elaborate ideas of her discourse: a multicellular
organism is also very complex, and it would not be possible to
construct it without some blueprint or “lecture notes”. But just
as lecture notes by themselves do not give a speech, but require a
lecturer, and a blueprint by itself does not build a house, but
builders are needed to interpret it and let themselves be guided by
it, perhaps overcoming on the go some unforeseen factors (using a
different material here or there, making a reinforcement in some
place, etc., so also in embryogenesis there is needed a whole complex
mechanism to interpret the genes, to replicate, transport, translate
them into proteins, and assembling them in an appropriate way an in
an appropriate time. Most importantly, like builders have the
know-how that cannot be exhaustively expressed in language and in the
absence of which one is not able to make sense of the blueprint, so
also the cellular mechanisms have the know-how how to make use of the
genes (that in themselves are completely passive and do nothing;
indeed, it may be argued that DNA molecules were selected for in the
evolution because of their passivity, so that they do not change
easily and can be used to store information in a relatively reliable
manner). Of course, something may go wrong during the actualization
process, the brain may not form, or the skull, or some organs may
become duplicated, or normally duplex organs may not become double,
or two embryos may remain attached in some part, etc., so that the
embryo is folded more or less than normal, or some processes may not
have been initiated at the right time. But often the embryogenesis
does not fall apart altogether, but still tries to adapt to the new
situation, and viable embryo(s) may be born.
Different levels of interpenetration mean also that energy
works in different directions and on different layers. On the one
hand there is the energy of actualization itself that brings about
the embryogenesis, the differentiation of its parts, of its
articulations. We may call it the “vertical” energy, which
is the one that leads the actualization process through the levels of
interpenetration. And then there is the energy that works on one
level of interpenetration or juxtaposition, which we may call
“horizontal” energy. Instances of horizontal energy are
involved when one part of the embryo induces the formation of a
certain organ, or when its actualization is meddled with in Driesch’s
way, or in general, when it encounters an obstacle or an opportunity,
so that it must introduce a modification in the process of
embryogenesis (either foreseen in a normal development, or unforeseen
due to some accident). Those two directions of energy are
interrelated: a “horizontal” interaction (energetic involvement)
modifies the “vertical” actualization process (the energy that
carries the actualization). In this way it is adaptive.
Or let us take another example, creative writing. Suppose you
are writing a poem or composing a speech. Usually you do not receive
the poem or speech fully formed right away (although there are some
reported cases of persons seeing the complete text in their mind’s
eye, and simply writing it down; but in that case it may be asked
whether it should be called creative writing, because the creation
does not seem to take place in writing, but somewhere else). Usually
we have a certain idea that does have certain articulations, we can
“feel” them, and it is surely distinguishable from another idea
of a poem or speech, but we may not know exactly what those
articulations are; we may have a phrase or a couple of concepts, but
we feel that they imply, in their obscure background, a host of
further articulations that are not yet in our full command. In the
process of composing the poem or speech we gradually actualize those
articulations, bring them into clarity; what was interpenetrating,
becomes juxtaposed in words and thoughts. And it is not a mechanical
process, but a creative one that requires a special effort and
involvement from our part, we must “give” ourselves to the idea,
abandon ourselves in it, become interfused with it, interpenetrating
in it. And most often this process of actualization itself changes or
modifies our initial idea, the very fact of writing down a poem or a
speech often gives us new ideas, induces new articulations. So, also
here we see energy flowing in two ways, from interpenetrating to the
juxtaposed (and back), and on a certain level of interpenetration or
juxtaposition. For example, writing in English there are certain
rules of grammar and habit, that require, after a certain phoneme or
word, certain other phonemes or words, so that there is a certain
automation on the actual, juxtaposed level of the language. Most of
the interaction takes place on some higher level of interpenetration,
when we “enter” into the poetic or philosophical ideas of a
person, see their internal
interpenetration, their interpenetrating
articulations, and start to interpenetrate with them
Different levels of articulation can be spoken of even more
precisely. Beyond the interpenetrating or intensive articulations we
may distinguish a “virtual” level of “perplicating”
articulations or singularities. The idea comes from Gilles Deleuze,
and has been developed, among others, by Manuel DeLanda. For
instance, take a portion of water and start to freeze it. Up until a
certain point the behavior of water molecules changes linearly and
proportionally: the more you freeze, the slower the movements of
water molecules get. But then, at a certain point, a sudden change
occurs and the water freezes into ice, so that its molecules cease to
move around like in the water and are fixed in solid crystals.
Conversely, put a kettle with water on fire and heat it; the water
molecules start to move faster and at a certain point the water
molecules abruptly become gaseous, where its molecules become even
more free to move in respect to each other than in water.
Furthermore, when we start to heat cold water in the kettle, we can
observe distinct phases of its movement. Initially there is simple
heat transmission between molecules that are below and move faster,
and those above that move slower. At a certain point this process is
not sufficient to convey the energy, and big flows of water are
formed that rise from the center and descent by the walls, the
so-called convection cells. When the kettle is further heated, those
regular cells are dismantled, and they give way to violent, turbulent
flow of water. Here again we can observe abrupt changes in the
behavior of the water. This means that the continuous change in the
cause (gradual freezing or heating) is not enough to explain the
discontinuities displayed by the water. A cause has to take into
account the nature of the water, i.e. its articulations. Causes act
“horizontally” on singular molecules and make them to move slower
or faster, but it also meets “vertically” the more
interpenetrating articulations of water that has some critical points
where an abrupt change in behavior occurs (water freezes or
evaporates, its flow switches between heat transmission and
convection cells and turbulence). Those critical points (that are
realized around 0 and 100 degrees Celsius on sea
level for freezing and evaporating) we may call singularities.
The web of singularities forms the virtual articulation that is
folded out in intensive spatio-temporal processes. If the intensities
form levels of interpenetration, then the singularities form a zone
of perplication. In order to better understand, what that means, we
have to look into the genesis of time and space.
Every thing has both an actual and a virtual side by which
they are contracted, by which they exist and endure. Those
virtualities perplicate each other; every thing or being is like a
folding of the virtual. The virtual is also the memory that
retains all there has been, as well as the “cone” of the future.
When a being is born, created, synthesized, it corresponds to a
certain folding on the virtual side and to a certain bundle of energy
on the other side. In its ontogenesis and in its interactions with
other things, beings and environments, the individual develops its
singularities, unfolds them, When it perishes, the bundle of energies
is released, but the folding, that is a self-fold, remains
perplicated in the virtual field. When a new thing or being is born,
it may to a certain extent correspond to one of those foldings, and
again unfold it. So, perhaps there would be a certain reincarnation,
but this term is not pertinent: there is no soul that would
transmigrate from one body to another. There is always the aspect of
energy, and the virtual side, and if folds are unfolded “again”,
it is a new individuation, although it may have so to say
“privileged” access to a certain previous individuation. So, it
would not be impossible to recall a “previous” life, but it is
just another individuation that is connected by meaning to the one
you are actualizing right now; and in principle, all the other
individuations and unfoldings happening right now, are also connected
to “yourself” and “are” you, just like that “previous”
course, it is a simplification; in a proton there are also gluons
that glue the quarks together, and there are virtual quarks. So, the
„three“ should not be taken too seriously; the main point is
simply that there are distinct processes, a certain multiplicity of
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